Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What would you say . . . . . .

to the (grumpy!) old man in Sam's who (as you are answering a call from your son's teacher on your cell phone while holding a container of blueberries your daughter is munching out of when you notice him out of the corner of your eye so you smile, say "Sorry, excuse me" while you somehow try to maneuver your cart of his way) says to you "Get off the d*mn phone, you aren't that d*mn important!"???

On a happier note - don't forget to enter my blog design giveaway!

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  1. holy cow, HOW RUDE!!! Why do people feel the need to be SO darn mean??! Arrghhh! love your blog, newest follower from the hop! hope you'll stop by my blogs too :)

  2. I would have opened the bucket of blueberries and thrown a few at his head! Yes... If I was with you I would have!

    Let me me speak Loud and Clear- YOU ARE THAT IMPORTANT!

    Love you!

  3. opps that was from Kelly Thompson Chuda is my Daughter Madison... she would have thrown a few too!

  4. Hi there! I'm a new follower of your awesome site! Found it from the blog hop. Hope you could follow me back! Thanks. Have a great day! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I would of said nothing because I can never think of anything witty to say on the spot. Then I woulda stewed about it for the rest of the day and probably posted on fb the million and one things I wish I woulda said. I am a new follower from the hop. I'd love for you to follow back at Homeschooling by the Yard

  7. Girl, I would want to smack him! But you know you did the right thing!

  8. Laugh out loud...and then "accidently" hit his buggie:) LOL!!! New follower from I <3 Blogging Blog Hop:) Come and see me at

  9. I would have smiled very sweetly and moved on about my business ~ glad that I wasn't living his life or living in his life aka "kill him with kindness" ;-)

  10. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you'll follow back.

  11. Oh man. I think I'd have to correct him with a sweet smile and a "Yes, I am".

  12. What a rude a-hole! Yikes, you might have held it together better than I would have :)

  13. And that, my friend, is why I only shop at Cost Co.

    Hey love to have you as my friend on facebook... since we both drink caffeine and are Mormon. Lol.


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