Sunday, May 22, 2011

Magnificent Monday

Welcome to Magnificent Monday! Our linky will open every Sunday night so you can join us for a Magnificent Monday. Let’s try to make the beginning of the week a bit better by finding some great new blogs and making some new blogging friends!

Would you like to be featured as a Guest Host for Magnificent Monday? Just fill out this form by clicking here.

To join us in Magnificent Monday, follow these 4 easy steps!

#1 Follow your three hosts on GFC and then leave a comment to let them know you’re following (If you already follow on GFC, then follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Networked Blogs)



#2 Follow our Guest Host, Nap Time Is My Time

Nap Time is My Time

Follow our Guest Host, The Real Housewife of Longleaf Ranch

#3 Add your blog to the linky

#4 Follow the 3 blogs directly above yours

Please stop by as many blogs as you can. It also helps if you leave a comment on the blogs that you visit so they can stop by yours and say hello.

We’d love it if you would place the linky to the Blog Hop somewhere on your page, whether its on your sidebar, a “Blog Hops” page, or a separate post. Please help us support this blog hop!

Have fun hopping and please stop by to join us each week for Magnificent Monday!

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  1. Hey im your newest follower from the magnificent monday blog hop please follow back

  2. Hello! I'm now following you via GFC and have added your button to My Button Collection page. Hope you'll stop by, look around and say "Hi".

    Have a great evening,

    Coupons, Crafts and Causes
    Coupons, Crafts and Causes - Facebook
    Indiana Inker
    Indiana Inker - FB
    Mathews Marketplace

  3. Congratulations on being a guest host! I am a new follower from the hop. I hope you will visit Little Bit and I at:

  4. Newest follower! Please come foloow back when you have the chance...thanks! =)


  5. Thanks for hosting!!
    I'm a new follower & have a blog hop called Memory Mondays that I hope you can come join it sometime! I consider it a good way to start off the week.. taking a stroll down memory lane to something that we are excited to remember and share! Although I will admit that I'm a little bias. =) Hope to see you there!
    Kelsi @

  6. Hey! Found you at the Monday Blog Hop (and I see you're also hosting! Am a happy new follower :).

  7. Hi there! Congrats on co-hosting this week too. There are so many great blogs participating this week! Love it.

    Emily from Nap Time Is My Time

  8. following from the blog hop :) I'd really love it if you can follow back! Thanks so much in advance <3

  9. And you probably wanna delete the comment above me, as he's advertising to break Google's TOS - so sad = (

  10. Hi! Following you from the Magnificent Monday blog hop! Hope you visit my Cajun blog and return the follow!
    - Jessica @

  11. Tech Ed 4 Kids and Bgcouponers joining you for the blog hop. ( and

  12. I'm a follower!
    Thanks for hosting!


Please leave a comment, I would love to hear from you. Don't forget to follow me so I can follow you!