Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Really Small, Squished Englishman

I have kinda avoided writing this post. It's like, by not writing it, it didn't really happen...... But, it did.

My Georgia has turned 2! WHAT? HUH? 2? Seriously? Seriously! I don't want to believe it either. I remember the day like it was yesterday. The Englishman and I got up, got dressed and headed to the hospital. We had an appointment to meet our little lady. At 11:50 I heard the wails and then saw this....

It was like looking at a really small, squished Englishman. He was so funny. He was so nervous that when they took her to the nursery and told him he had to follow he didn't even say bye to me. I'm sitting on the operating room table being sewn up and he just glances over and said "I'm going with her" and then ran out. Uhh - bye then. So there she was, our beautiful, peaceful, healthy, un-named little lady.

You can see her birth announcement post here and read her birth story here.

This was taken when she was about an hour old and she was finally named. We decided on what has turned out to be the perfect name.

Georgia Rose Clarkson

Our Georgia is now 2 and is AMAZING! She is learning so much.

Here she is at her party blowing out the candles on her cake. I made the cake and even though it may not be pretty, it was delicious! Take that Martha Stewart!

Here she is on the night of her 2nd birthday showing us what a big girl she is and drinking from a water bottle. PS - she did her own accessorizing. She's got a talent!

Georgia Girl we love you to the moon and back times a million. You have taught me so many things but the greatest thing I have learned is that my capacity to love is much larger than I ever thought possible. I never thought I wanted a daughter (who's with me? They have so many "issues" to deal with later in life that boys don't!) but she has made me realize that I wanted one, needed one and am so thankful to have her.

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1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to believe that these miracle babies are two this year. What a great two years! And she may not be as squishy as when she came out but man is she ridiculously gorgeous.


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